What is Salvation? (Sacrifice)

What is Salvation? (Sacrifice)

As it became evident that the sacrificial system alone was insufficient, God promised to send a particular king who would provide the ultimate sacrifice to wash away all sin - Jesus Christ.

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Romans 12:1
In the Old Testament, atonement and sacrifice were central, involving animal sacrifices and rituals. But these practices ceased among Christians with Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Why? Reflecting on Cain and Abel, we see that sin created a rift between humans, God, nature, and each other. Animal sacrifice was a way to pay for sin, symbolizing the gravity of our actions. Innocent animals’ lives are substituted for ours, emphasizing that sin requires atonement through bloodshed. In Leviticus, the language portrays lifeblood covering, representing the shift from death to life and impurity to purity. This reminds us that sin demands reconciliation with God, achieved through humble repentance.
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