Who is Jesus? (The Word)

Who is Jesus? (The Word)

What is our purpose? Why are we here? What does the Bible say about our place in the grand scheme of God’s story? Today we will explore the beautiful dichotomy of being sinners and saints. How can people simultaneously be capable of so much evil and so much good? How does God work out his glory in imperfect humans?

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Psalm 119:105
Our words are an expression of our thoughts, dreams, and intentions. We use words to explain what we know, share what we hope for, and declare what we are about to do. In the same way, Jesus is the expression of God’s thoughts, dreams, and intentions. Do you want to know who God is? Look at Jesus! Do you want to know His thoughts about the world, issues, and humanity? Look at Jesus! Do you want to know how He feels about you? Look at Jesus. He is the expression and embodiment of who God is. And, as we just learned, He is the source of the ultimate truth. In the same ways He spoke light and life into existence over the formless and chaotic void, He wants to speak life and light over you and me.
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