Who is Jesus? (The Lamb of God)

Who is Jesus? (The Lamb of God)

What is the significance of the title, Lamb of God? The most notable example is in Exodus when God is ready to deliver his people from slavery.

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Romans 5:8-10
Who is Jesus according to the story of Scripture, and how do we relate to Him personally and more profoundly? If you’ve read the Gospel of John, you might have stumbled upon this name for Jesus: Lamb of God. This title has some serious biblical weight behind it. It was one of the first titles given to Jesus when He entered the public scene. John the Baptist sees Him and proclaims Him as the Lamb of God… God has been telling the world about Jesus’ sacrifice since the very beginning, and he reminded the people of Israel that the Messiah would be slaughtered for their redemption and righteousness. When heaven and earth meet in the final days, we will see Jesus as the Lamb of God.
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