Who are We? (Cultivators/Creators)

Who are We? (Cultivators/Creators)

You and I are not simply meant to sit on our hands and wait for Christ to return. We are designed to build, craft, create, and cultivate. Be the ambassador for Christ in the world by making it a better place.

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Colossians 3:17
Just as God is creative, we are also creative. Human beings are meant to be creators. Joseph generated an economy that blessed millions of people. Solomon built a temple for the nation to be close to God. David wrote songs that would draw people close to God for thousands of years after him. You and I are not simply meant to sit on our hands and wait for Christ to return. We are designed to build, craft, create, and cultivate. We miss our purpose when we sit idly by and wait for life to pass. There are cities to bless, people to help, songs to write, and gardens to plant. What are you waiting for? Be the ambassador for Christ in the world by making it a better place. Start your businesses. Paint your masterpieces. Write your songs. Raise your children with creativity and love. Build homes for the less fortunate. Cultivate and create in the space God has placed you for the glory of Christ and the enrichment of your soul.
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